es ist montag... und damit endlich wieder macro zeit... heute zeige ich euch ein paar schlüssel, die es bei uns so gibt... einer alt, einer neu... und beide von ganz nahem...
monday is here... and with it macro time... here is some keys i have around my house... some old, some new... and both very close...
viel mehr hautnahe eindrücke gibt's wie immer hier: more close ups you can find here:
I love the beautiful old lock and key!
AntwortenLöschenme too... it belongs to a very nice old cupboard that we painted white last year.
LöschenThanks for visiting!!
I like that top shot!!!
AntwortenLöschenThanks!! I loved walking around the house to find things other than flowers to take a macro of.
I caught keys recently too... I like yours much better!! :D
AntwortenLöschen~Kazi xxx
thanks, what a compliment!! I am still trying... some shots are good, some are not... working on it.
LöschenThanks for your visit!!